Free Drawing Software For Creative Kids

Tuxpaint is free downloadable software for Windows, Mac OS and Linux that lets your kids play around with variety of drawing tools to create fun drawings. The pictures can be saved to disk or printed.
Tux Paint is free, open source software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Tuxpaint is sponsored by the Tux For Kids project.
Paining a hen in Tuxpaint.
i want to download a free drawing software for my son
Cool….., i wan download Free Drawing Software For Creative Kids, for my cousin, she’s very funny and smart
If you want to educate kids start with the basics…
I want to dowload this kink of software for my daughter!!thanks
its preety cool 😀
My daughter loves this stuff
Will not work in windows 7 stater on a Acer AspireOne. As soon you click the destop icon the sofware opens and get fronzen.
it’s very useful for kids
need kids software
My son, Josh loves this stuff. Thanks.
That is a really, really cool site. Would you be able to review – it is a free online drawing tool that kids love. Please let me know.
Thanks…(great site by the way)
Latest version of the software can be found at:
Cool, I’ll have to put this on the computer my daughter uses. Maybe this’ll keep her from drawing on the walls…
Wow! I’m pretty sure my son will love this! A software like this really helps to develop the creativity of a young mind. The earlier is the better. Minisite Design
I’ve found this to be a great way to introduce children to digital art. It’s no substitute for a bit of messy play with the real paint, but when you’re too tired to clear up afterwards, it’s a godsend!
Tuxpaint is a cool drawing program ideal for kids. I’m sharing this link with other parents.
Great post! Thank you for taking the time to get this information out there. I have been searching on the topic for awhile.
I wish these kids drawing softwares came out when I was a little girl. Back then I had to limit myself to microsoft paint, which was an awful program!
That is a really cool site. It’s no substitute for a bit of messy play with the real paint, but when you’re too tired to clear up afterward.
This is very great for the kids. A software like this really helps to develop the creativity of a young mind. The earlier is the better. Thank you for the idea.
Thank you very much for this great post! My 5 year old daughter love this drawing software!
Thank for this funny software. Really cool!
hi, i like the view of this s/w but want to download this for my daughter can u help me
Wow! so great and so excellent very knowledgeable.Thanks for creating this site.So nice information content.I think this well help a lot to me.
This is very cool! I will download that software and let my kids do with it. This is a very big help to me and to my kids. Thank you so much.
I always having a problem about this in my son. He keeps on playing it even in the bed time. He was addicted with that software. But anyway, I am thankful because I also having fun of it.
This seems like a pretty good application for the young aspiring artist, definitely am going to download it for my nephew on my laptop so that he can play on it when I go over on the weekends.