Let Your Kids Make a Mess On The Computer

Huggies have created a site, www.messmaker.com, where your kids or toddlers can create a true mess on the computer with paint, ice-cream, french fries, chocolate, sandwiches and a whole slew of other messy things! Unlike messes in your kitchen, computer messes are really easy to clean up! Just use the box of Huggies soft skin wipes… (yes, this is a commercial website).
This website is good for toddlers since it is extremely easy to use – just bang the keyboard to create the mess! When you are finished, you can embed the mess on your blog, or email it to a friend.
Harry Hubble helps you clean up the mess on messmaker.com. You can read a nice illustrated storybook about him on the website, as well.
that is cool my son would love to play that one.
That’s actually pretty awesome — I think I want to try it myself. Ok, it’s a bit of a commercial gimmick (thinly veiled attempt at going viral), but I still like it.
Creativity never goes out of style, in my opinion.
Have a TBI child and some of these she could use, great Question how do I download to a dvd so she can use in car?
OMG!Got a 4 yr.old that LOVES pulling my Desktop Icons allover the place. Drives me NUTS. This is gonna B great. She wont even Care about the darned DeskTop Icons anymore!! LOL! On my way now B4 she wakes up!!
Hi, this looks like it would be alot of fun with my grand daughters aged 14 months and 3 years old. Lots of fun for grandpa too as the cleanup looks like a snap!