FooPets – Adopt A Puppy Or Kitten is a site where you can adopt a virtual cat or dog. The pets are very cute and realistic looking, and need to be fed, petted and played with just like a real pet. In order to earn money to get food and toys for your cat or dog, you can play online games.
There are many breeds of cats and dogs to choose from in this game: Siamese, Persian, Poodle, Golden Retriever, Dalmatian, Rottweiler and many more.
The site also has an active pet forum where you can chat about your virtual pets, or perhaps even about your real pets.
Some adoptable animals on the site
its a 0 for me
anbsolute o percent i rather go on other games
i am not interested in this annyoying game!
good game i like the anggora its so exprensive so i like the white kitten so white and cute
I wouldn’t use this site. They took my credit card info and keep charging me over and over even though I ask them not too. Then they rudely blow me off when I request a refund. Saying because I made a complaint to the BBB that they will not give me a refund. On top of that the charges keep coming.
ok this website sounds ridiculous. what kind of person lets a 7 year old child know and see that pets are breeding?? thats gross.(:
I’m telling my friends never to come here cause it costs money and private info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHANGE IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you sure its fun?
THis is retarded PAYING MONEY!!!!!!!!! Maybe it should be free
its fun….but expensive
its fun….but it needs more sparkles!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was great. They took my credit card info and keep charging me over and over even though I ask them not too. Then they rudely blow me off when I request a refund. Thank you.
It used to be fun but recent changes have totally ruined the game. Also far too expensive especially since technical problems never get solved and customer care is non-existent.
Shalana has a great question, is it really fun? Plus I only see puppies and kittens. Aren’t there any other pets that you can adopt?
FooPets are created with love.The pets are very cute and realistic looking, and need to be fed, petted and played with just like a real pet.
They kicked everyone who wasn’t paying out of the site. Most paying members are adult women. At first, they said it was a site to teach kids the responsibility of taking care of pets. But then everyone on FooPets noticed that all they wanted was money. It was ether they pay-up or leave! They kicked out kids who loved their pets so much. I used to be a member, but not anymore. Even member who where paying left FooPets.
Yes, FooPets has realistic pets. But that’s the only thing good about it. The rest of the game sucks and the only things kids will learn from it is scamming and swearing from other members.
I know! Stupid Foopets, i used to be a member also, but they kicked me off cause i didn’t pay… RIP OFF!!!!!!
It used to be so much fun, but it sucks
you need to change it back NOW with NO having to pay.I do NOT like it this way NOT at all.You hear me.
i am going to hate foopets if you do not change it back like it use to be.:(
that site always charged me and i made a complain but they kicked me off i think u should go to woozworld and buy wooz pets just type i woozworld or check one of the ads on the site to ps foo pets site your so fucking rude
So they went paid? What a shame. Cute games such as foopets are great for kids. Not every child can have a dog, because they’re pretty expensive for some family’s. And now the same kids can’t even play the game because it became unaffordable. I’m sorry for them!!
i used to like it but now its too exsppensive we should start a protest a genst foopets for making us pay
foopets used to be great the commercial said it was free there are worse than hackers and thieves oh wait they are exactly that boo foopets it should get changed back or kicked off the web im only 10 and there are like 5 6 7 8 9 10 + and there scamming kids idiotic adults only interested in money we should just stick to trading my of fact im going over there right now and im sueing them thats final f*** foo pets
I’m on foopets and a clubfoo member. i looked on the forums, THEY WILL BRING BACK THE FUN AND TELL U NOT TO PAY! so dont worry
it actully used to be free
ok is this free or not thats all i want to know??
where do i go so i dont have to pay or download or atleast not pay.
people join my protest so we dont have to pey i only have 9 people i will check this sight everyday for eneyone who wants to play.
Foopets WAS the funnest game ever but now you have to pay and I can’t afford it! I really want back on there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
foopets used to be the best virtual pet website on the internet. i would play it every day, and i had a dog that i loved sooooo much back before i was allowed to get a real dog. then fooets became pay to play and i started getting emails saying my pet was dying, and i couldn’t do anything about it. if foopets doesn’t become free again, they’re going to lose a lot of members, and actually lose more money than if it was free. -_-
Foopets is a very enjoyable online game. It might cost money, but it used to be free. I have a valid ClubFoo account and play everyday. No, there is no cheat to get a free account. There are thousands of other players, including me. You adopt many pets and breed them (No, it doesn’t show anything, just two pets sitting by a pet bed), and it takes real days for the Foobabies to arrive. You decorate your pets’ backgrounds and earn money. This money can be used to buy litter licenses that you will need to breed, decorations for your pets’ rooms, and other Foopets!
The reason you have to pay is because the creators spend countless hours working on Foopets. They have made it fun.
FooPets is worth the price.
I loved Foopets it was super fun! but now its ruined becuz dr.ron sold it & the OLD HAG who bought it charges people !!!! it makes me mad i miss my dogs
(Go to pet tales app on facebook its very very similar)
no oroniana the game is not free.
foo pets used to be fun when it was free i had a pet then when they started to charge my dog was gone NOT COOL any was foo pets suck now
I played Foo Pets all the time and it was so fun! Now I can’t :0( because it costs money. I do like the new game on the xbox kinect called kinectanimals. It’s so fun and the animals are little wild cats which are soooo cute!
I agree with everyone that is complaining about the price. I had about three pets on my account. Three cats. Then I went on it one day and it just wouldn’t let me on! It said you have to pay now and I was really angry! I am only 13 and I can’t beg my parents to pay it because they will say no. I loved this site alot and they really let me down… Way to go Foopets…
P.s Oroniana I would gladly join your protest please can you email me at with instructions on how. (I do not know what to do XD)
Oh my goodness. I remember I used to play this several years ago when it was still free. After they took my pet away I got angry and wouldn’t play. I forgot about the game for many years until it somehow popped back into my mind and I decided I wanted another pet. Well, whoop-de-doo!! Imagine how shocked and angry I was when I saw it required paying!!! Their little video said it was “fun and educational for children”. Educational my ass! All you do is take care of a virtual pet that looks realistic. I’m pretty sure the only thing it’ll lead to is sad, crying children when their precious pets get taken away from not paying in time. I tell you, this is utter rubbish. It’s ridiculous! Foopets really needs to make the game free again!!!