Free Rice Game – Vocabulary And Charity

On the Free Rice website, you answer English vocabulary questions, and for each correct answer, ten grains of rice will be donated to help end hunger. The difficulty of the questions will be adjusted depending on if you give correct answers or not, so this charity game is equally suitable for children and for grown-ups.
Subjects include: English vocab, chemistry, geography, foreign languages, math and art.
FreeRice is a non-profit website run by the United Nations World Food Program.
In 3rd grade my teacher showed this website to our class and I was just trying to look it up and now I can help stop hunger!!:)
Build your vocabulary along with satisfaction of charity.
Educational way to help other people! I go on it almost every day.
I just went to this site and found nice system to learn vocabulary.In multiple choice question you have to choose one correct answer from 4 item.Very interesting!
top flash games
The concept is really great. But I’m curious how does this work? How do they finance the rice they’re donating?
Most of the man in this world try to solve the most vulnerable problem like hunger….Every body should participate in it..
This is a wonderful site.It teaches so much more than vocabulary.
This is great. When you answered the vocabulary correctly, they will “donate rice to the UN World Food Program to help end hunger”. This will really help those people in need
This is nice! This will really help the charity each time you have a correct answer
What a great way to expand your vocabulary while helping others. This concept brings about a new field of study in gaming. Gaming for achievements to extend the amount of time that one plays a game. Usually this is done to generate money for a corporation, I’m glad to see that it has now been extended to a charitable oraganization! This is great for classrooms and teaching.