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Tone Matrix – Simple Online Music Generator

Submitted by on October 8, 2009 – 3:11 am6 Comments
Tone Matrix – Simple Online Music Generator

The Tone Matrix is a fun, free interactive musical toy created by André Michelle that is very, very easy to learn. Just click the squares in the 16×16 grid to turn them on or off, and interesting synthesizer music will result. Fun and easy for kids!

To clear your music and start from scratch, just press the space bar.

Many people have published their best Tone Matrix generated tunes on Youtube. Just do a search for tonematrix on YouTube to find them!



  • Wow! This is very cute! And very simple to use..

  • Justin Hales says:

    This is one of the best online music generators out there! It’ sbasicall a free yamaha tenori-on!

  • That tool is just great! It seems to fit anyone, no matter how old they are or from what side of the world they’re based in. Music is like a universal language. Everybody speaks it.

    I’m based in Sweden, but visit Morocco occasionally. Once there, I always like showing people some of my stuff. In some neighborhoods they don’t even have access to a TV!

    Anyways. When I showed this tool a little kid who had never seen a computer before he immediately knew what to do.

    In the beginning, he had a hard time moving the mouse cursor across the screen. But a few seconds later he had a great tune that got everyone nearby dancing.

    This tool is just amazing. My daughter loves this, and so does every single other person around the globe. DS.

    /Nabil, from Sweden.

  • Caspar says:

    I love these kinds of music experiments. It reminds me a bit of the ocarina application found for the Iphone. When you think about it, this basic toy is an instrument in its own way, called Tone Matrix, anyone tried to mix any popular tune?

    Kind Regards
    Caspar from Tandvård Göteborg

  • This tone matrix is really cool. It is very simple and easy to use. This tool would be very helpful especially that I am making short Internet ads. I know I can use this for my music background.

  • Joel says:

    This is too cool. I just spent the last two hours clicking on and off, and making some halfway decent “music”. I wonder if there is something similar in one of the app stores so I can keep playing on my phone…